R.E.M. "Begin the Begin (Live at the 40 Watt Club, 9/12/06)" [YouTube]
R.E.M. "So. Central Rain (Live at the 40 Watt Club, 9/12/06)" [YouTube]
(NOTE: These videos only got 2 and 3 stars, respectively, on YouTube because the young 14 year old punks all over that site don't know dick about music history, and think lonelygirl15 is a real person.)
There are also some clips from the aforementioned GA-MHOF performance on 9/16/06, which I guess was only shown on Georgia PBS stations. Fittingly, the drums were mixed really loud at the beginning of "Begin the Begin", pointing out how much they miss Bill Berry. They also sang "Man on the Moon" and "Losing My Religion" from Out Of Time (1989). Enjoy while watching rich old white folks "rock out".
R.E.M. "Begin the Begin" Live at Georgia Music Hall of Fame, 9/16/06 [YouTube]
Now comes word from their official site that they might even record a song for charity, which would be the first time the 4 of them have worked together since 1997. (Not coincidentally was about the time I started to lose interest in these guys.)