Oct 12, 2006


I can't believe Google bought a U-Tube for over (/placing outstreched pinky finger onto corner of mouth) ONE BILLION DOLLARS. I'm sure there are cheaper U-tube manometers out there; in fact, you can build your own if you wish to check your proprane pressure. Oh, they bought YouTube. My bad. That's still a lot of money. Now it's merely going to be a huge marketing site for whores like Paris Hilton, Sean "BK Diddy Whopper" Combs and that asinine lonelygirl15 thing. What a drag.

It was fun while it lasted. But eventually, as Tom Waits once sang, Everything Goes To Hell.

Therefore I'm discontinuing my scintillating FRIDAY NIGHT VIDEOS feature because it's only a matter of time before the record companies start suing Google for copyright infringement. I also don't feel like having a truckload of dead video links on my blog.

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