Aug 2, 2006


A few years ago, we tried to compile the TOP 500 SONGS BECAUSE WE SAID SO, after Rolling Stone put out their TOP 500 SONGS OF ALL TIME list. This guy started a whole blog with the intention of naming 500 songs he couldn't live without. It sounds like it's possible, right? I mean, we had the benefit of THREE people suggesting songs, and we weren't really "serious" about it. So we should have been at least 3x as productive, in theory.

As it turns out, we both failed to finish our lists. He just recently called it quits in the mid 300's (377, to be exact), while we flamed out about halfway through. He says, in his inimitable English manner, "Anyone who can find more than 500 songs . . . that they can't live without is probably spreading their jam a little too thinly on the toast." Well put, Guv'nah!

Anyway, we did get three lists out of it: 500-401, 400-301, and 300-255, so that's something.

Together, we'd have a list of over 600 songs. Here's the punch line: we only have 7 songs in common.

Time - Pink Floyd
Bela Lugosi's Dead - Bauhaus
Fairytale In New York - Pogues (featuring Kirsty MacColl)
Song 2 - Blur
Riders on the Storm - The Doors
Stop Draggin' My Heart Around - Nicks, Stevie and Tom Petty
EVery Breath You Take - The Police

Okay, that's the last I speak of this.

1 comment:

Alessandro Vitelli said...

Only 7 songs out of 600-odd? Damn that's good.