I'm not sure how to feel about this one. JB was one of my favorite artists, and I even got to see him in concert twice. I can't even imagine who would play him, although someone suggested James Franco of recent Spiderman movie fame (who I suppose looks a bit like him; I sincerely hope he doesn't try to sing like him).

I guess I'm merely curious to see to what degree they screw this up. This treatment worked for Johnny Cash and Ray Charles, most likely because details of their early years are pretty far removed, and since they'd both recently died Hollywood could embellish the truth all to hell. But to me this is different; even his mother Mary Guibert, who handles his estate, said he wouldn't have anything to do with such a movie if he were alive. Personally, I don't he'd have a crappy MySpace site either, but at least they're striving for "authenticity".
I feel I might be saying the same thing I said after the disappointing Andy Kaufman biopic Man on the Moon: just watch the original Andy Kaufman stuff.
I hope I'm wrong.
Jeff Buckley Official Site
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